Wearitto Townsville Opens!
Weareco Smart Clothing has opened its fourth Wearitto Smart Clothing Centre in Townsville. Located on Charters Towers
Road in Mysterton the newly fitted out store will initially provide our local education clothing local partner schools St Patricks College, Townsville and St Margaret Mary’s with a stand-alone destination school clothing store for all their uniform needs.
With tens of thousands of school children in regional North Queensland wearing the brands school clothing label for decades,
Weareco has long been part of the fabric of the local school community so are not enturely a new kid on the block with it's
previous clothing centes operating on campus.
"Today Weareco employs 50 staff located from Cairns to the Gold Coast to proudly provide secure and flexible job
opportunities for working families. We've also contributed in excess of $1 million dollars towards school fundraising
revenue and additional good-will donations towards local education and community initiatives" says Weareco CEO,
Rodney Levien.
The new store will take fitting appointments with new students and will be open at more convenient times for parents that aligns
with our increasingly busier lifestyle. Currently trading five days a week the new store will expand it’s offering and operations in
2019 and is currently welcoming Expressions of Interest from the Townsville school community to become a stockist within the
new Smart Clothing Centre.
To learn more contact Wereco’s Retail Solutions Manager Dallas Anderson on 0458 458 849 I [email protected]